Sunday, November 13, 2005

Project Sending Smiles

Hello All-

first thanks to everyone who helped raise and donated to the 800.00 Dollars that we were able to give for our project.

Intially we wanted to send coloring books and art supplies directly to shelters, and some of our first donations went to two shelters- but as time went on and some donations continued to come in... we found that shelter populations shifted and clothes and toys came in en masse, it was better to give to a group that will be using art and activities for the long term help, and art therapy for the children of the Katrina region as they re-build their lives.

So our final donation via help from Aidmatrix went to the International Child Art Foundation ICAF

My plan is to continue to Send Smiles to children back home in the USA by using this site going forward as a place to list up volunteerism, fundraising and donation possibilites that will directly affect and improve the lives of kids.

thank you everyone who donated and helped.

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