Sunday, November 13, 2005
Project Sending Smiles

Hello All-
first thanks to everyone who helped raise and donated to the 800.00 Dollars that we were able to give for our project.
Intially we wanted to send coloring books and art supplies directly to shelters, and some of our first donations went to two shelters- but as time went on and some donations continued to come in... we found that shelter populations shifted and clothes and toys came in en masse, it was better to give to a group that will be using art and activities for the long term help, and art therapy for the children of the Katrina region as they re-build their lives.
So our final donation via help from Aidmatrix went to the International Child Art Foundation ICAF
My plan is to continue to Send Smiles to children back home in the USA by using this site going forward as a place to list up volunteerism, fundraising and donation possibilites that will directly affect and improve the lives of kids.
thank you everyone who donated and helped.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Launch of project "Sending Smiles"

Thanks to some Democrats Abroad friends world wide, especially Shari Temple, for help in tracking down information and assistance back home from, I am ready to launch our action "Sending Smiles."
Many of the larger centers are getting a lot of assistance and media attention so we decided to start this by targeting some smaller shelters or less well known ones first, this will also help make sure that our donation is not a burden for distribution in areas already overwhelmed with donations and gift items.
"Sending Smiles" from Overseas Americans will start by partnering with Camp Gruber in Braggs Oklahoma
There are just over 200 children at this time, housed in Camp Gruber, (more may be on the way) and the aproximate cost of sending a small activity oriented care pack to them would be about 10 dollars per child. So for our first shelter and fundraising goal, I need to raise aprox. 2000.00 dollars USA.
This is how we have it planned.
*To keep shipping easy, environmentally friendly, and efficient I will make a bulk purchase of what we need for our care packs. This will also make distribution easier at the site and will make sure we can send enough so that no child is left out.
*Shari Temple has helped and coordinated with a local Democratic state representative Barbara Staggs, who will receive our items and personally take care of making sure our activity packs get to the camp. (As well as send us pictures and updates I hope.)
*To support small business I will be arranging this purchase with an independent bookstore in each state that we send our smiles to. We will send coloring books for younger kids, activity books for upper elementary and middles school kids, and more advanced activity books, word mazes, and other items for older kids. In "Sending Smiles" to Camp Gruber I will be working with Full Circle Books they have been one of the largest and most supportive independent bookstores in Oklahoma for over 30 years.
I will also be speaking with the Crayola company about sending crayons and markers to accompany our donations.
You can give one of three ways!
1. thanks to the assistance of aidmatrix we have our own donation shopping cart at
Donate with a credit card here
2. Donate to the Sending Smiles paypal account details here: (if you donate to this account please make sure you include your name and info so I can send you a receipt.) As we go along I will provide updates to all donors. Go to to send a donation to this account:
Or click on the donation button to the right!
3. you may also mail USA dollar checks made out to me to my family’s address in the USA as I will be coordinating with help from my mother as well. My USA address is below.
Lauren Deane (Shannon)
272 King Street
Northumberland Pa 17857
If you mail a check, please send an email so I can track donations and confirm with all donors.
Please send your contribution today! 10$ to start would be fantastic, more if you can. This in no way should take away from donations to emergency relief services. If you have not given yet to organizations providing the basic needs please do that first and look at this as a small additional project that we can do to bring a little joy, and humanity to families that are in dire need of happiness as well as the bare necessities.
If you have any questions, please email me,
you can read about my original idea and another great story detailing why this kind of action is important at the links below;
The Power of a Pink Crayon
A Small Action
we hope to expand this idea to many shelters and also to provide more small comforts to the families and children who have lost so much. So also please send me your ideas.
thank you for your help.
*Lauren Shannon
Project Sending Smiles
photos below from various katrina shelters and locations- posted by volunteers on flickr